Sunday, December 2, 2012

Blog #10

Yay last one! So it turns out that my phone is a lost cause. I have spent the last three hours on the phone with different people in the tech department of apple. Because I have apple-care, apples insurance, I only have to pay $50 bucks rather than the $500 or so that it would be to get a brand new one. The downside is I paid $100 dollars for apple care and now $50 dollars for a new phone. Oh well I guess that's what i get for being a klutz. So needless to say once I left Scotty's my night was not super amazing considering the fact that I had to then tell my father what happened and then spend three hours mostly on hold while being transferred to different departments.
On a happier note this week has been pretty amazing especially when I got to see the Life of Pi on Saturday.  For those of you who don't know the story begins in India. India is one of the many places I want to visit because it is so beautiful and it has such an amazing culture. From everyone I have ever talked to I have heard that it is the biggest culture shock they have ever had non the less I am still drawn to India, i t intrigues me. My parents however are not too keen on this idea of mine. India is notorious for having constant power outages as well as food shortages. They are still in somewhat of a transition stage some of India longs to become westernized while the rest of India is adamant about sticking to the old traditions. Oh gosh now I am just rambling, according to my mother I could talk about India for hours on end if you get me talking about it.

Blog #10

       This shall be my final blog. It was good semester with all of you guys. I luckily don’t have very many finals, so this semester a good way to ease into college life. It’s just going to get tougher from here on out. Although if it didn’t, then what would be the point? Personally, I need something at least a little bit challenging to keep my interest. I also hope to find more fun experiences and meet new people in the next semester. With that said, I’m more focused on Christmas over next semester at the moment.
I have to say that Christmas is my favorite holiday, and it’s not just because of the presents. All of the decorations, the feeling, and the snow (hopefully) are good parts of it as well. I already have my Christmas stations on Pandora set and playing. The music really brings about that “Christmas spirit.” It’s not the best, but I have already decorated my room. Christmas dinner is probably the best I eat all year. It’s even better than Thanksgiving in my opinion, but I’ll have to wait until break for it. With that said, I wish you all the best of luck on your finals. Keep in touch.

Blog #10

Wow, this semester flew right by us.  Doesn't like we have been in college for four months.  Now only five and half more years to go. lol   Before I break out the unlimited Halo 4 and chocolate candy, I have to make it through dead week and finals week.  I've heard some very scary things about both.  I'm trying to stay positive and drink Starbucks to make it through, but I feel that I may need another outlet.  Thank God I only have two finals that will be over the last Wednesday, so at least I get to go home a little earlier.  I really need to study for these last two exams.  The university puts so much emphasis on finals and how they can make or break you.  I really need to make me.  I will take finals very serious, but I refuse to let them drive me crazy.

Blog #10

I got back from the Learning Community event at Scotty's Brewhouse not to long ago and I had a blast! I was introduced to a Bison burger which is like a hamburger but bison meat instead of cattle meat. I was pretty skeptical at first, but with my first bite it was heaven. Bison>cattle. HANDS DOWN. The friends I have made this year in my learning community are some of my best. I always have a hilarious time when I'm with them because we all have a great sense of humor. I really hope the friendships with these great people last throughout the rest of my life.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Blog # 9

So over break I went to see my lovely grandparents in Iowa. It was great to see them and my cousins who I haven't seen in over a year. I do however wish I would have gone home instead of going to Iowa so I could see all my friends I haven't seen since August. Since my grandparents could tell I was sad about this and a little bored since I didn't know anyone in the town but them they came up with their own "fun " alternatives. This consisted of me spending 12 hours in a tractor plowing their corn fields  Waking up at 4 a.m. to sit in a deer stand in 30 degree weather and not see a single deer. And go to walmart on black Friday. I tell you if one more soccer mom shoves a cart into my back to get her kid a barbie I might snap. Overall however I had a very enjoyable break. I got to see lots of my family and eat delicious food. I hope everyone else had a fantastic thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 25, 2012


I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving break.  Hopefully you were able to beat all the traffic leaving campus.  I on the other hand did not experience any traffic jams.  I guess that is one of the advantages leaving at 8 at night.  I especially enjoyed the long car ride home with my best friend in the passenger seat acting as my scribe whenever I received a new text message.
During break I was in the ultimate lazy mood and only the unbeatable prices at Wal-Mart and several other shopping centers could move me.  Before I attended the ever crazy Black Friday sales I prepared by stuffing myself full of turkey, ham, and about 3 pieces of my mom’s delicious pumpkin pie.  With a food baby in tow, I made my way to Wal-Mart.  I really enjoyed having people crowed me twenty minutes before eight.  I mean who doesn’t like being pushed and shoved, having people crowd surf above your head, or even steal precious items from your hands.  I was extremely tempted to yell out “May the odds be ever in you favor” or even “Let the games begin.”  I am sure I would have received a few knowing giggles.  At the end of the day, or should I say morning, my body was sore and my credit card was limp.  I did not buy everything I wanted, but I did get the important items.
The rest of my break consisted of me testing out my brand new, and I must add FREE, Droid Razor and being a couch potato.  While I was perfecting my potato skills I added something new to my ever growing list of addictions.  I am now an addict to the ever popular HBO hit TV show True Blood.  I cannot help but to laugh along with Sookie when she learns that the new vampire in town is name Bill or be shocked when Rene turns out to be the murderer.  I could not take my eyes off the screen and I ended up watching all of season one.
  I did though attempt to rise from my stupor and go out with friends.  Unfortunately, the night ended up with me on the top of the Ferdinand fire tower with legs shaking like a big bowl of jelly.  I am not very fond of heights and I am still not quite sure how they convinced me to climb the 158 steps to the top.  I am even more confused how they got me down the stairs, since I had to look at the ground for each step.
With break finally open, I dragged myself back up to campus and decorated my room.  My room may not look like a winter wonder land, but with Christmas lights hanging from the walls and sticky snowflake, snowmen, and reindeer scattered throughout the room it sure comes close.  Beth even brought back a countdown chain so we can keep track of how many days till Christmas.
10 more days till St. Nick comes
20 more days till the end of the semester
30 more days till Santa comes
26 more days till the end of the world?!?!

Blog #10

Turkey, catching up with friends and family, pumpkin pie, Christmas decorations, and Christmas music. There's nothing like being home for Thanksgiving break. My favorite thing about going home for break was spending time with my family. I don't go home very often so we always have things to talk about. And of course I love the homemade meals. Thanksgiving dinner is the best. It's the only day when you can eat so much food and people won't judge you...maybe. This is my favorite time of the year. Now I can finally listen to Christmas music! I seriously can't wait until Christmas. I love coming back to campus and seeing Christmas trees and lights all around. It makes it that much easier to know that Christmas is right around the corner. I can't believe that the semester is almost over! Only three more weeks!!! But, it's going to be a pretty tough three weeks. Finals week will be difficult and it will be filled with lots of study breaks, caffeine, late nights, and lots of studying. We are almost done with our first semester of college. And I don't think my first college semester could have gone better. I love Purdue so much and I'm so glad I'm here.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Blog #9

On Thursday I flew to one of my favorite horse shows in Kansas City, The UPHA/American Royal National Championship Horse Show. It was only a year ago that I was there as a competitor and was honored to win "the most prestigious equitation award in the saddlebred industry." This year however, I  was asked to return as an honorary judge and was pleased to pass on the title to a barn mate and very close friend, Hunter Chancellor. While this show was one of the greatest for Hunter, she will also always remember it in sadness. Two nights before winning the national championship, another one of her horses died suddenly right under her while leaving the ring from her victory pass she had just completed. Hunter was slightly injured while being ripped from the horse to safety by a trainer. I just would like to say that I am extremely sorry but also proud of Hunter for overcoming this heartbreaking tragedy and persevering to win the national championship just two nights later.

Blog #9

I have learned that having crutches in college is rather inconvenient and annoying. As my ankle has gotten better, I appreciate having to use less equipment to walk around. The most annoying thing was the inability to use my hands to do something while walking when they are perfectly fine. In any case, I’ll being using more caution in life and around anything volleyball to ensure this doesn’t happen again.
Ankle aside, I’m psyched for Thanksgiving. It is a day that revolves around a dinner which consists of some of my favorite foods. It’s got mashed potatoes, turkey, ham, corn, green beans, stuffing, bread rolls. Need I say more? The picture in my head is making hungry, and I am mad because I know I have to wait four more days until I actually get to have any of it.
After Thanksgiving, I want to see the snow on the ground. I’ve heard people native to Indiana complain by the snow. I guess I haven’t had a chance to get sick of it yet. I have lived in Texas and North Carolina for the past 12 years, so I the only snow I have seen is barely even half of an inch if at all. I may regret saying this, but I want my snow.

Blog #10

As I am starting to write this blog, I realize it my tenth one, which means I am finally done with blogs for the semester!!! I have to admit they have kept me up to date on my writing, but always continued to catch up with me right before the Sunday night deadline like it almost is right now. Oops…oh well, as long as it gets done! With all ten of my blogs done it means that the end of my first semester of college is almost complete. I cant believe how fast these past few months have gone by already. It really makes me think about how fast the next four years are going to fly by. With first semester coming to an end, it really excites me to know what the future holds for me here at Purdue. I have had a great first couple of months, met so many great people and have done a ton of great things that it only makes me more anxious to find out what is in store for me here! 

Blog #10

I cannot believe it is Sunday. This weekend seemed to go by pretty fast maybe because I spent most of my Saturday traveling and sleeping. Friday, I went to the volleyball game and it was the first volleyball game I've been to in about two months so that was a nice experience. Saturday my mother, aunt, and brother came to Purdue to pick me up for Thanksgiving break. My brother wanted to stay up there longer to hang out, but I was ready to leave because I did not want to drive in the dark. As usual though I had to wait an hour to watch my mom walk through University Bookstore complaining how expensive all of the stuff there is. We were going to Prime Campus Housing so they could take us to the apartment I will be living in next year, but they were closed so that didn't really go as planned. When I got home I crashed on my family room couch as I usually do when I first get home. Today, I went to church with my family then went to Sam's Club to watch my parents buy my brother yet another TV both of which are larger than the one I currently have in my room (because my TV is still at Purdue). After that I went to get light bulbs to put in the ceiling fan in my room which is the first time my room has been illuminated by lightbulbs since I left for Purdue in August. Sadly, writing this blog post is probably the most time I have spent in my room since I have been back home, but I'm only staying in my room to spot my friend from IU who just pulled up so on that note I will finish this post.

Blog #10

I honestly do try to stay focused. I sit down at my desk, get some homework out to work on and then decide that I need to download the new Avicii (House mixer) single that I haven't downloaded yet. Then that leads to his newest album and songs on it that I don't own yet. It's a mess. I realized that I tend to make justifications to myself so I don't feel guilty. For example: Well I really support Avicii and I need to download his new single to support him. Plus this homework can be done later, it's not like it's due tomorrow. Now I'm hungry. I should let this song finish downloading so I can play it then dance to it as I make a peanut butter and jelly sammich. It's gonna be magical. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I just all around fail at life.

Blog #9

Another great weekend. On Friday, I went to the volleyball game with my awesome learning community!! Although they lost, it was really fun. After the volleyball game, I hung out in my dorm room and I actually went to bed early. So, yeah it was a pretty exciting Friday night for me. On Friday night, I got the most sleep I have ever gotten since I have been here at school. It was very nice and relaxing. On Saturday, I didn't have much to do. So, my friend on my floor and I decided to go to the volleyball game. We just didn't get enough for the weekend. The volleyball game was actually in Mackey Arena because they wanted to try fill the whole arena. Although the whole arena wasn't full, there was a large amount of students there. Being in the student section is so much fun because everyone gets so energetic and into the game. Later that night, I had an Office marathon. The Office is my all time favorite TV show. If you've never seen the Office, you have to watch it! Today was a very chill day too. I did some homework and watched some football. All in all, it was a great and relaxing weekend. And I am so looking forward to seeing my family and Turkey Day!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Blog #8

What a great weekend. Ever since I was born I was a Texas A&M fan. Both my parents were Aggies, my uncles and aunts were Aggies, every Coll was a die hard Aggie. We bleed maroon. Even being a Purdue student I've watched all the A&M football games, and this year, Johnny Maziel has caused watching it to be so much better than past years. Manziel is a red-shirt freshman who was not even planning on being the starting quarterback this season. Three months later he goes in to Tuscaloosa and leads the Ags to beat the number one team in the country, Alabama. The most interesting part is that Texas A&M doesn't allow freshman to be interviewed, so he is somewhat anonymous. He takes the field, destroys defenses, then walks off the field without a word said to the news. He's a machine, and now that he's beaten Alabama is up to number two on the Heisman watch, behind Colin Klein of Kansas St. We'll see if Johnny Football can come out firing the rest of the season, giving the Aggies a great finish to the season, and if he can, perhaps he can take the Heisman.

Blog #8

My weekend was great. I went on a church retreat. It was a great way to escape the busy and stressful college life. I definitely needed it after long weeks of hard work and classes. I met some pretty awesome people who shared a common bond with me. It is always nice to have people around you and know that they have your back and that they support you with anything. 
Another thing that I loved about the retreat was the music. They played many great songs that were popular and some that weren't very popular. One song that caught my attention was "I'll be" by Edwin McCain. I love the lyrics and the melody. It's very soothing. In fact, I am listening to it right now. I encourage you all to look it up if you haven't heard it before. It is great studying music. Especially with finals coming up, I need to find some good study music. 
Speaking of finals, they are really creeping up. We only have two more full weeks of classes before Dead Week. Whaaattt?? Where did the semester go? It's crazy. I can't believe it. But hey, I guess that means that we are approaching Winter break too! Yes, there's a bright side! 

Blog #9

This weekend I was trying to talk with my brothers and cousins over Google + but never figured out how to get it to work so I figured I'd just go on with my weekend. Friday, I attended the Purdue-Bucknell game which we lost so after sitting there dejected my roommate asked if I wanted to play racquetball. At first I said no since I have yet to win a game of racquetball, but since we were playing doubles this time I decided that was my chance to secure my first ever racquetball victory. However, it did not turn out this way as my partner and I lost both games. The next morning I had to wake up at eight in the morning which sucked but it was worth it; and today I went to the basketball game against Hofstra which we won giving us momentum going into New York next week against Villanova. I am interested in watching this game since I am a huge fan of the University of Cincinnati's basketball team and Villanova is in the same conference as UC; so I am fully aware of how good Villanova's team is which will show how good Purdue is essentially.


For this week's blog I will talk about my upcoming trip to Chicago.  My dorm hall Tarkington is putting on an inexpensive bus ride to Chicago.  The cost is only $10 per person and that's round trip. I've been trying to talk some of my friends into going, but they are very iffy.  Most likely they will end up going with me.  I plan on exploring downtown Chicago. I want to shop at Niketown, Apple, and Coach while I am there.  This will give me a head start on my Christmas shopping.  One of my friends is from the Chicago area and he wants to takes us to a pizza palor that serves deep dish pizza. The pizza slice is so big, that you have to eat it with a fork.  I'm looking forward to my one day adventure in the Windy City.

Blog #5?

Okay, I am not so sure what to do. I am slightly stressing out. Slightly? Who am I kidding? I am probably going to have to drop out of college. I am not prepared for anything at all in the next few weeks. I just want it to be thanks giving break so I can have a break. I can’t even leave until late Tuesday night before break because I have an exam that night. Who does that? I think my math professor hates us. Then this coming Tuesday I have my psychology exam. That one is oddly enough the one I am really worried about. I just need a break. Oh, and so I figured out what I want to do with my life. Well pretty positive on this one anyway. Yay, right? No. Not at all. I want to be a band or choir teacher. That requires me to major in music education. Which Purdue doesn’t even have. I can be any other type of teacher here, but god forbid I want to do something with music.
The best part of this week is that I got to go home this weekend and see my puppy. I missed him so very much. I also got to see my friend from high school. He is still chilling in the little town. When I came back I brought my saxophone and clarinet, for no real reason. Just so I could have them, if I need them. Also I got my tattoo priced this weekend.  So, I should be getting it relatively soonish, probably over thanksgiving break, when I have the time for it. I am not sure where I want to get it. I have a rough idea. I just am not quite sure yet. Me and my stupid indesiciveness.

Blog #8

I cant really think of anything specific to write about so I guess I'll talk about my future week. It's going to be nice and stressful. While I'm suppose to be training and working on getting ahead for exams, I'm actually going to be trying to get everything done early in the week so I can fly out for another horse show. Usually I would be pretty excited but right now I just have way too much on my plate already. Did I mention I'm not even showing? I've been asked to come back and judge for a 'finals' that I won last year. It's really honorable and exciting but it's really just going to be incredibly depressing. I have to sit in the middle of the ring and watch everyone do what I can't: the one thing I'm passionate about. I guess this weekend will determine if this is really the career path that I want to take.

Blog #9

Well I am not quite sure what to write about today. This week I have two large exams that I am stressing over. It doesn't help I have had this recurring dream for the last few weeks that I will receive a letter that I am going to get kicked out of Purdue because I didn't get good enough grades. I know that this will not happen but it still freaks me out. I am also currently faced with the delema of picking a major. I am currently interested in HTM but I can't take any of the classes without CODOing which, quite frankly, freaks me out! I am not 100 percent sure that I want to CODO but I know that right now it is my top choice. 
Other than that I don't have a lot to talk about. Shocking, I know, since I am probably the most talkative person in the class. Right now I am just chilling in my room listening to some Frank Sinatra, Louie Armstrong , Istanbul not Constance and Opal, and some other Swing/Jazz music. I would suggest it for all. Not only does it remind me of my grandfather but it also is catchy yet calming. 

Blog #9

PSA. Public Service Announcement. It's literally killing me. To complete this project you would need a video camera or a camera that at least records video. So, since I left all my equipment at my home in Fowler, Indiana, I went to the Hicks Underground library to rent a camera from Purdue. I go in there, give the nice old man my ID and he gives me a video camera to rent for three days. So, just for the heck of it, as I walked out of the library I looked in the bad just to see how cool the camera was and if I already know how to use it. I opened the bag, took out the camera, and opened it all up to find no cassette tape was to be found. I went to class to talk to my group about this and see if they had a solution. Neither Sarah or Alex knew what was going on or how to fix it. After class Sarah and I went back to Hicks library to see if the nice man by chance forgot to give me a cassette tape when he gave me the camera to rent. To mine and Sarah's suprise, Hicks actually doesn't provide the tapes for student use and that I will have to construct a car out of spare parts found along the streets of West Lafayette and drive myself to Walmart in my "spare" time. HAHAHAHAHA! Well that was my laugh of the week.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Blog #10

Heck yes blog #10, finally!  So this PSA project, it’s going pretty well.  We’re finishing things up for it tomorrow and this weekend, so looking forward to that.  I just hope people laugh, but not like the “haha this sucks” laugh, the “haha they’re genius’s” (geniusi? geniuses?) laugh.  On another subject, watchin’ some Pretty Little Liars right now.  It’s getting pretty intense.  I’m borrowing my roommates Netflix and I’ve watched the whole first season and am like 12 episodes into the second.  It’s so good I can’t get enough.  But the freaking bandwidth restriction is a pain in the bum.  I only get to watch like 3 episodes a day which is so jacked.  It’s a rough life I guess.  So I’m eating some Cracker Jack right now too and those little surprise inside paper things are so cute.  I got like a pencil topper thing so it looks like there are two little men climbing the pencil! It’s great.  So just finished the Cracker Jack.  Thinkin’ about making some popcorn.  Probably will.  Yup, goin’ for it.  Speaking of popcorn, the popcorn button on microwaves is so totally wrong.  It always burns.  And the smell of burnt popcorn sucks.  This one better not burn, haha.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

#9 What a Nightmare

So far our PSA has given me nothing but a headache.  Don’t get me wrong, I love our idea of filming the Co-Rec, but the whole process has been nothing but a nightmare.  At first we were ahead of the game and finished our proposal a day early.  Then everything started to spiral downward.
After we finished writing our storyboard script we decided that it would be best if we began filming as soon as possible.  We did not want to postpone the making of our PSA so we decided to begin on Thursday.  Unfortunately, when asked an employee of the Co-Rec if she would mind being in our film we learned some terrible news.  Apparently one cannot film inside the recreational center without permission.  I knew before we began filming that we could not film anyone outside our group without their consent.  It never occurred to me though that we would have to receive permission to film inside the building if it is for a school project.
I took it upon myself to contact the man in which I was directed to, but our daily schedule did not seem to match each other.  I first went to his office after class on Friday, thinking that asking in person would be highly favorable towards my agenda.  Sadly, he was in a meeting and could not be disturbed.  I then decided to email him.  After a few hours he emailed me back and told me to call him.  Well, I called him but only got his voicemail.  I do not like playing this game of tag with the deadline of the PSA encroaching upon me.  I find it to be quite stressful.
I will try more diligently on the morrow and hope and pray that after we receive permission we can begin filming without any scheduling conflicts.  I only hope that with the weekend wasted we can still pull of an A worthy PSA.