Monday, October 29, 2012

Blog #8

Since my weekend was anything but eventful, I am going to write about my college experience so far. I came to Purdue knowing that I was going to have to work harder than in high school, but the details of my expectations were a little fuzzy. Now, after being here for almost three months I feel like I have a pretty good feeling of what the next four years will be like. For the coursework side of things, it has had its highs and lows. I have been doing well in many of my courses such as English, EDPS, and Sociology. I feel like these courses come more naturally to me rather than having to work harder than most. On the other hand, when it comes to my calculus and nutrition classes I feel that I am struggling a little bit more. I don’t think I am struggling dramatically, but I feel like I could be doing better. First semester is almost over, but we are not quite there yet. I have enough time to improve my work and gain more control over my college experience. 

Blog #8 -

For the past two weeks, I have been taking extremely hard exams.  Maybe they weren't that hard, but they are when your professor is never in their office to answer questions.  After almost having an emotional break, I needed some fun.  Boo at the Zoo was just that.
While at Boo at the Zoo not only did we unload pumpkins with mounds of dirt on them, but we also reenacted "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."  Yes, it was as fun as it sounds!  This outing was a good time to see not only my peers, but professors out of their comfort zone.  I learned a lot in the three hours we were together. Lol As kids rode by on the train they went through a trail of fairy tales.  Alexis played Snow White and did an excellent job.  I personally think that if this play ever goes back to Broadway, she should definitely casted this role.  Anyways, we mined jewels and also saved a dying princess.  Sadly there was no happily ever after in the rendition of "Snow White."  

Blog #7

So I had a fantastic week. Though I had a few homework assignments and projects I ended up going to boo at the zoo. It was super duper fun but I was unable to show off my amazing super man costume! I got to see a bunch adorable small children. I was super energetic but not as hyper as Alexis. I swear she had about 30 pixie sticks before she came. It made me giggle the entire night. The only bad part of the night was that operation goat abduction was a failure. We were unable to see the goats or even go to the barn. I won't lie but I was super duper sad. Oh well I will get over it. Also this weekend I went to a pumpkin patch with a bunch of my friends and we got pumpkins to carve.
The only problem was that we all live on the 8th floor. And there were only five of us to carry 14 large pumpkins. So because we are smart young women we did what any Purdue student would do, we grabbed a cart thing to make it easier.
Well that was about it. And as a side note, I apologize if my pictures every bore you. Personally the only time I ever am truly interested in a blog is when there are pictures or videos. Lame I know but I guess I am more of a visual person. 

Blog #8

I just want to write about assisted suicide. There are only three states that have legalized assisted suicide since 1993 and there aren't any states who are even considering thinking about putting suicide on their agendas. Those who are against assisted suicide claim that it is society's responsibility to protect and preserve life. they also claim that by assisting in "destroying" someone's life ruins all respect for human life. Then there's the religious side where the sanctity of life is stressed above all else. When I think about their claims, they serve a valid point. No one wants to end someone's life, but what I'm saying is that if their life is already ending with no hope in sight, assisted suicide should at least be an option everywhere.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Blog #8

       You know that you have nothing to talk about when all you can think of to write about is the weather. I haven’t been overwhelmed by homework, gotten sick, had something bad or exciting happen at all this past week. Basically, I had an overly mediocre week, but then again that can considered better than some. The only thing I really didn’t like about this week was that, once again, we lost in football. I guess there’s always next time. I hope this next week will be more eventful and more on positive side if it is. It should be considering Halloween is next week, but only time will tell.
Speaking of Halloween, I wonder what will be going on around campus to celebrate it. I have a feeling, if you find drunk people funny, you’ll be on the floor since they probably won’t be in short supply. Unfortunately, I won’t be wearing any costumes because I don’t one, but I find some way celebrate it without one. Personally, I think Halloween is one of the best holidays and is only second to Christmas. I wish everyone a early Happy Hallow’s Eve and have some good “nightmares” on that night.

Blog #9

Yay Halloween! I was super excited for Boo at the Zoo on Friday! I dressed up in my Dispicable Me minion outfit that may or may not have acutlly looked like one and got pumped for an evening with friends and little kids. those of us who dressed up for the event took pictures then we took group pictures to memorialize our experience. We volunteered to act out the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs scene for the Train ride. Alexis was Snow White and the rest of us were dwarfs. I think I was happy, but the costumes weren't dwarf specific. We wore colored button downs and in my case huge oversized black cut off pants. I was sad I couldn't ware my minion costume anymore, but being a dwarf was fun. While waiting for directions we enjoyed our complimentary hot dog and drink. We also got free sample sandwiches from Jimmy Johns which were delish! If was fun walking past the kids and hearing their parents say,"Look! Who's that?!" And seeing the kids stare at us as we walked by. It was probably becuase of Snow White, but hey, we dwarfs are important too! Our job was to act out coming home from work, and yes we sang,"it's home from work we go..." Then rush in horror as we see Snow White take a bite from the poisionous apple given to her by the wicked witch. We added a little scene in beforhand as the train made a first run through. We acted out mining for jewels. While we waited for the train to come back and do the second see we walked on the trian track trying to balance, watch some Scooby Doo, and took pictures with The March Hare, the Mad Hatter, and the Queen of Hearts. Those three had legit costumes and were freaking awesome. We only acted out a few scenes until the next crew came to relieve us. It was a super fun evening although a bit chilly at times!

Blog #8

At the moment I feel as if I am about to crash.  This weekend was filled with lots of activities and very little sleep.
After I ran out of my 2:30 class on Friday I met up with Beth and we took the 1B bus to Goodwill.  Since we were going to be volunteering at Boo at the Zoo, Beth decided that she wanted to dress up as a minion.  Well we couldn’t find an exact replica of a minion’s wardrobe so we settled on transforming her into a female minion with a fall like dress.  Turned out we did not have to dress up at all since we ended up being Happy and Sleepy from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.  I won’t even mention the unmentionable located at the bottom of the bin.
Immediately after out shift was over, we rushed back to Owen and tossed our luggage into the back of a stranger’s car.  Two hours later I was walking into the activities room at Lake Placid right before the Talent Show was about to begin.  Watching my friends perform on stage I learned that we know a lot of anti-jokes and that Pokémon is still as popular as it was when we were all kids.  The rest of weekend was filled to the max where I ended up going to bed at 3:30ish in the morning and having to wake up again at 8 am.  I am not going to go into a lot of details but here is what you need to know:  God is great, bonfires are extremely toasty, stay out of turbulence circles on the dance floor, and I can do an awesome dance to We No Speak Americano.

Blog #6

This past week was very stressful for me. I had two exams and a lot of homework. So, during the weekend I was very tired and lazy. On Saturday night, I didn't feel like doing anything so my friends on my floor watched "She's the Man." One of my favorite movies!! Having a movie night with some friends and some buttered popcorn is the best night ever in my opinion. Especially with the crazy week that I had, I really needed a night to just chill. Everyone has a rough week once in a while, so I'm hoping that this week will be better than last week!
One more thing that helps me to escape the crazy college life during the week is yoga. Two weeks ago I started taking a power yoga class with my friends. They offer a lot of classes at the new Rec Center. It is tough and tiring (hence power yoga) but it is also very relaxing. At the end of each class, we get the opportunity to completely relax for five minutes. It might not sound like a lot, but we all just lay on our backs and relax every muscle in our body and breathe. It really helps to put all my problems and stress behind for 50 minutes. And it's a great new, fun experience.

Blog #5

I was not able to go to Boo at the Zoo this weekend, which was very sad, but I was not able to attend because I went on a fall retreat this weekend with Cru! It was a lot of fun, but not quite what I was expecting. The speaker was kind of boring, which is super unfortunate, and the small groups were kind of just awkward for me. I did not really connect with any of the people in my small group, so that was rough. Although it was not what I was really expecting it was still a really good experience! I had many awesome conversations with a few different people there, so that was a really good part about it. I also bonded with some of the people there that I had not gotten to know as well beforehand. Overall I'd say my experience was good and I still learned a lot, it just wasn't what I was expecting.

Blog 7? (Maybe 6?)

This weekend / week was interesting to say the least. From CODO meetings to washing the paint out of my ears, I'd say it was a swell week. It began Monday with my girlfriend leaving to go back to Marquette, where her fall break would end in a day, and me left in a great mood. As the week progressed things got better and better and better. After two beautiful weather days I went out of Thursday night and ended up with a Dayglow (Now Life in Color) ticket in my wallet. Turns out I payed ten bucks to get the ticket from a friend, and I had already set up a ride while being around town. So Friday night, I suited up, hopped in the car, and left for Dayglow. Now if you don't know what Dayglow is here's a little preview: 

It was a good weekend.

Blog 7

Well this weekend was interesting.  Friday I got out of Chem lab at about 5:20 and walked back to the dorm and went straight to dinner. After that my floor went to a haunted house with another floor in Owen Hall which kind of sucked because it was inside of a store essentially.  After the haunted house we came back and played racquetball for about an hour and a half and watched Insidious with the people we went to the haunted house with. I never watch scary movies so I did not really like it that much, but ever since Friday night we have been watching scary movies. Last night we watched Paranormal Activity 3 which was not really scary it was kind of weird and predictable, and tonight it sounds like either Hannibal or The Fog. I thought tonight was going to be an off night and we start again next weekend, but apparently not hopefully this does not continue throughout the week because I do appreciate my "beauty rest" as my mom always called it and all of my classes seem to be earlier than everyone else's especially on Monday's. Maybe it is a little too early to consider going to sleep since it is only 8:20, but this past week and weekend I have been awfully tired and I don't know why. Well, now it sounds like we are going to watch Killer Klowns from Outer Space...

Blog #7

This weekend was filled with unwanted and unenjoyable events. One specific one was on Friday night. My friends and I decided at last minute that we would go buy our Halloween costumes and wear them out that night. We  decided this because a few of our guy friends told us they made it on the list for KDR. We rushed to Party City and searched for about two hours before we actually picked out our outfits. After that, came back and put on our costumes as fast as we possibly could so that we could meet everyone and be on our way to KDR.
We walked in the freezing, windy weather (in our skimpy outfits) for what felt like forever before we reached our destination. We quickly realized that the gigantic line wrapped all the way down the steps, on the sidewalk, and around the corner. Apparently everyone was on the list for KDR that night. My girl friends and I immediately knew it would take hours to get in and wanted to leave. The problem was that we felt bad because we were the only girls with our guy friends and apparently it is quite difficult to get in to frat parties without girls. -So we stayed. We waited until we got all way to the beginning of the steps before someone finally made the executive decision to say screw it and leave.
Let's just say that my night ended with two pairs of sweatpants, my biggest sweatshirt, and my favorite pair of fuzzy socks.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Blog #8

Boo at the zoo was a lot of fun.  We all made a great Seven Dwarves and Snow White cast, I think.  Plus getting to see those people dressed up in the Alice in Wonderland costumes was awesome.  They were so legit.  Like straight out of the movie legit.  And they were pretty funny.  A little weird, but very funny.  I don’t know what I’m going to be for Halloween yet.  I know, should probably get on that considering its Wednesday.  More importantly I should probably do my homework.  Really need to get on that EDPS major PowerPoint.  And my interviewee hasn't emailed me back.  Which is the exact opposite of okay, because it’s due Tuesday.  Well in other news my laptop is semi functional right now.  I went to the Computers on Campus store on Chauncey by Chipotle (so many C’s) and he said if I plug it into another monitor or TV I should be able to use it.  So I borrowed someone’s HDMI cable and plugged my laptop into our TV and now I can use my laptop again.  The screen’s still all cracked and I can’t see anything, but when it’s plugged into the TV everything shows up on the TV, so that’s wonderful.  What’s not wonderful is he said it would probably cost like $200 to get the screen replaced.  But I guess it’s better than having to buy a whole new laptop.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Blog #6

     I feel really, Really tired. And I shouldn't feel tired. Ive slept for almost 48 hours straight and I could still crawl up in my bed and fall asleep instantly. If I sleep any longer I'll probably go in to a sleeping coma. 
     My medicine is what gives me insomnia. I never thought someone could miss something as simple as sleep this much.  When I take my medicine everything's fine.. until it's time to sleep. I stay up everyday until almost 4, sometimes 5, and then I wake up for class at either 9 or 10. It wasn't as noticeable at first but the past couple weeks have been miserable. I've been skipping my morning classes way too much and when I do go it's because I've barely forced myself out of bed. Every morning I've been thinking, "why do I do this to myself?" and every night I remember it's because I can't force myself to sleep. I've never felt more stressed and overwhelmed in my life. Ive been overly sensitive and emotional. Oh and I studied 3 times harder for my second calculus exam and got 20% lower of a grade than my first exam. Sleep deprivation can be a miserable thing. 
     I'm only glad I figured what it was that was causing all this because I was to the point of wanting to drop out. I only hope that this weekend regenerated me for these next couple weeks. I plan on finding a different medication because I cannot and will not live like that any longer. I just hope I can find it soon.

Blog # 8

So I read the first few blogs posted and I'm not gonna lie, they depressed me a bit. I though I could write something cheerful, but alas my news isn't all cheerful. On Saturday night my friends invited me to go to a corn maze and I was like, "I'm so there!"  Before I left to meet them for dinner I look up Exploration Acres online to get a feel for where I would be that night. I found out that this was a haunted corn maze and I don't normally do haunted scary things. It's not something I enjoy. However, I really wanted to get off campus, be outside in nature, and get in the Halloween spirit. So I went. When we got there we discovered it cost more that we had planned on to get into the maze, so that was a bummer. Also, there was a second group that was going to meet us there that didn't arrive for another hour or so after we had gotten there. While we waited we took a hay ride and wandered through the kiddy mazes. Did you know that if you keep your right hand touching the corn at all times you will find your way out? We only tried this once in the kiddy maze, but it worked!We had to wait in a long line for the Haunted Maze and we froze while we waited. Well, not froze, but it was chilly. My first scare of the night was when a guy dressed in a creepy wolf costume sneaked up behind me and my friend acknowledged him, I looked behind me and screamed! It was horrible. When we finally reached the front we discovered we couldn't use the lights on our phones while in the maze and that we had to split into a smaller group. My friend Rachel in my group was so scared the entire time I felt so bad, but it also made me less scared because I was looking out for her. I hope that makes sense. But the very first thing we encountered in the maze was the scariest. There were four strobe lights on the ground and as we approached we noticed nothing was there. Oh were we wrong! All of a sudden this guy wearing a gas mask appeared and we all freaked out! Then the wolf came back and we made friends with him and discovered he had made his costume. We experienced a man in a chicken costume, ghosts, camo men, faceless men, and people dressed in all black. It was scary, but not too scary and I had so much fun!

Blog #6

So I was going through our e-mails and I didn't see any specifics of what we are suppose to write about this week so I am hoping this is a tell us about you blog entry.
I am really happy that this week is over. I had two exams and two projects due and I was super stressed but it is all good now. This weekend was very good and not stressful. I went to the Rocky Horror Picture Show for the second time and was able to view two of my very good friends embarrass themselves because It was their first time to see it. If you ever have the chance to go to go to it I would encourage you. It is super weird and you will be forced to be initiated but I feel like it is a college initiation. The best part is interacting with the movie  by yelling things and throwing things. Like whenever someone says Janet you yell "SLUT!" or like during the wedding scene you throw rice and other super weird things like that. Other than that I didn't get a lot done. I did make up a lot of lost sleep.  For example today I got up at 9:46 did two math problems then I went back to bed till 11:47. It was beautiful!!!

Blog #7

I have terrible news.  My laptop fell off my bed this morning (2pm) and the screen is all messed up.  I’m so sad.  I’m going to try to go down to the Computers on Campus store on Chauncey and see how much it would cost there to get it fixed.  Marie, a girl on our floor, was in the room when it happened and she called Best Buy (where I got it, this freaking summer) and they said to replace the screen would cost a couple hundred dollars.  Which is a joke.  I’ll probably end up selling a kidney or something. Other than that and desperately trying to study for a math test on Tuesday, my day has been okay.  I talked to my mom and had Chipotle for dinner and I’m having ice cream now, more specifically an M&M milkshake from Cary Nightspot.  My upsides are mostly about food.  I don’t really know how to explain this.  My roommate and I also just watched an episode of Dragon Tales (AKA greatest kid show ever) on YouTube for some reason and made up things for them to say and it was really fun.  These dragons, like Bobo and Zeezee or something, were making fun of Emmi’s b-ball skills.  Then she showed them what was up.  It was a really inspirational episode.  I learned a lot.  Well I think this blog was a success, definitely.  I can’t wait for Boo at the Zoo this Friday, also!  It’s gonna be so much fun.

Blog #6

So, while I was doing homework earlier I was asked "Do you know how to see what your exam schedule is?"  And I gave the honest reply of "I don't think they're out yet."  I remembered seeing the link on myPurdue but I did not click on it because I thought it was too early to think about the final exams considering I had yet to take my first exam at the time.  What I found out next ruined my entire day.  On December 12, 2012 I will not be taking just one exam as I expected considering I am only taking two classes which require me to take a final exam.  Of these two classes, I will be taking two two-hour exams on that dreadful day of December 12, 2012 and spend the rest of my dead week waiting for December 16, to board a charter bus en route to Copper Mountain, Colorado.  So not only will I not be able to go home early, I will have to find entertainment during what is considered the most boring week of the semester.  Luckily for me if 12/21/12 is the last day of human's life on earth as predicted by the Mayans I will be spending it on the mountains of Colorado.

Fall Blog #7

We are in the middle of a wonderful time of the year.  This fall season has been exceptionally beautiful, in my opinion.  The collage of colors astounds my eyes.  As if an artist painstakingly painted each individual leaf, the combination of red, yellow, orange, and brown presents an amazing picture to gaze upon.  There is one tree on campus in which I truly do believe an artist painted.  It is not unique for a tree to have a multitude of colors in its leaves, but this particular tree has its leaves separated by color in such a way that it looks as if the tips of the tree branches are on fire.  Unfortunately, I did not take a picture of this tree for everyone to see.  If one wishes to look upon this tree on fire, I recommend walking over to Memorial Union (the Hello Walk) and look towards University Hall.
With the changing of the leaves colors also comes the busy work of Purdue’s little critters.  When I look outside my window every morning I am greeted by my friend Toshiro (Please comment if you recognize this name.).  He likes to scamper around in the leaves, wagging his bushy tail back and forth while getting ready for the upcoming winter.  Frequently I see him scampering around his trees warding off others from his treasures but every once in a while he likes to play a game of hide and seek with a squirrel from across the street (I am making that up, I don’t know where the other squirrel is from).  Sometimes I wonder if he will still come out and play during the winter.  If not I will see him again in the spring.  I hope he does come out though because I want to see if he will play with the ice colored marbles I am planning on making this winter.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fall Break Blog 4 & 5

My fall break started Thursday evening by me driving for the first time in two months.  It was a weird experience getting behind the wheel and driving for two hours especially considering the fact that my parents were always hesitant of me driving long distances.  When I got home that evening I could not wait to sleep in my own bed so I went straight upstairs and plopped down on my comfy queen sized bed I did not have to climb up a ladder to get into.  The next morning I woke up and headed to my aunts house where I was given some good ol' homestyle cookin'.  Then I had to relive the duty I had before I came to Purdue which was chauffeuring my brother home from school.  After that I met up with my mother to participate in my first presidential election.  The next day my brother had a soccer game which put them against the number nine ranked team in the state.  It was good to see all of the parents and team members I played soccer with last year.  It was also good to actually be able to sit on the bench with the team members rather than all of the adults who know who I am, but I have no clue who any of them are.  After that game I went back home to watch the Purdue football game but once I saw the score I changed it to University of Cincinnati game where I watched the Bearcats secure a victory.  Sunday morning I went to church for the first time in two months.  It was a strange feeling being awakened by my mother telling me to get ready for church.  After church I was able to sit back and watch football for the rest of the day which was also a first in two months.  Monday, my mother took me shopping to buy a suit and some warm clothes preparing me for the West Lafayette winter season.  Tuesday, my last day seemed like the longest of all my days on fall break.  I woke up early in the morning to go to the dentist office where I had to suffer through the teaching of a new hygienist.  Later that day I attended my brothers soccer game in which he scored the final goal giving Walnut Hills High School the Eastern Cincinnati Conference title.  After the game my father drove me back to Purdue where I arrived at midnight and had to wake up to attend a seven thirty recitation that Wednesday.

Fall Break #6 & #7

       My Fall Break was probably one of the most uninteresting breaks. Being from North Carolina, the distance between and home is too great for me to go home, so I stayed here at Purdue the entire time.  Honestly, I want to breakfast on Sunday and it looked like the zombie apocalypse had taken place. All the cars were parked but weren’t being used. There were plenty buildings around but completely vacant. It was rather eerie and vey unsettling.
The good news is that a couple of my friends stayed behind as well, so I wasn’t totally alone. The only thing we found to do was go to the football game where we got slaughtered.  On the last day, we checked out the new rec center.  We found that it is certainly going to be a point of pride for Purdue when it’s finished. The bad news is the rec pool won’t be open until the spring semester.  I believe all should try the bouldering wall because it funs even when you fail and it gives you that good exhaustion feeling after you are done. All other parts of the break were spent in someone’s room doing whatever we could think of (i.e. video games, movies, youtube, talk, etc.).

Fall Break Blog #6 and #7

I imagined my fall break to be four days of straight sleep. My Mom and Dad had other plans for me. They had a list of chores for me the minute I walked in the door Friday night. Expecting a hug and a “how are you, miss you so much!” was quickly replaced with a list including vacuum, cleaning dishes, and dusting. I hate to say it, but I was expecting it because of how much of a neat freak my mom is. Once the chores were taken care of, I decided to go get my nails done and enjoy some alone, peaceful time. Saturday was a day filled with sleep and grocery shopping with my aunt and cousins. Saturday night was what I referred to as “sibling night.” I called my best friend and her and I decided to go see Taken 2. We thought it would be a good idea to invite her sister and my brother to come with us. The movie was great, even thought I was hiding in my sweatshirt half of the time. Once Monday finally rolled around I was anxiously waiting to go to downtown Chicago. Shopping, eating, and taking in the beautiful atmosphere was all that I had planned and it couldn’t have been a better day. A weekend that I wanted to be “not so eventful” ended up to be one jam packed with family, friends, and excitement. I couldn’t have asked for a better break! 

Blog #7 and #8

My Fall Break was wonderful. I got to see all of my lovable family members ,and I also got to see two of my loves which was my sister and my boyfriend. This break was actually long for me, because it was the first time i was home past a Sunday. I enjoyed the great food, the conversations, and the quality i got to spend with my family. When I arrived home Friday everyone was surprised i was home. I was able to go to my high school's homecoming that day....which they won!!!!! Saturday I woke up to breakfast and along day of shopping for basically nothing, laughing out loud with my cousins and sister. Saturday night my boo had come over to surprise me, and spend some romantic time with his love. Sunday I went to church and had a great time with my church family. Monday was a day just for my boyfriend and I to spend time and hang together. We watched movies, talked, and he tried to make me something to eat. I love that young man dearly! Tuesday I basically chilled and waited on my ride to come and get me to bring me back to Purdue University. I also found  out over the break that the B.O.B concert was cancelled,which was definitely disappointing since i had tickets, but overall I had a fun fall break!!!!!

Blog #4 and #5

For my fall break I decided to go and see my best friend Catherine a.k.a. Cate. The first thing you need to know is that Cate and I are complete opposites. Though we disagree on things from the superiority of superman over batman, to whether its a good or bad decision to be a high school teacher. Some how we manage to make it work by bonding over super nerdy things. Cate go's to a small school in Chicago. Now Cate being the opposite of me is the strong silent type. So when she walks down the streets of Chicago she gives off this incredible vibe of badassery. While I on the other hand give off more of a vibe if you look at me in just the right way I would probably offer up all my possession's without being provoked. Anyways for Friday through Sunday we explored the city.  Had many interesting experiences on the L and reminisced over all the embarrassing yet funny things we did in high school.

Then I came back to Purdue Monday afternoon and was super bored! I really hate quite and there was like no one on the floor! I was doing laundry and I came back up to the floor. It just so happened that at this moment one of my favorite Gorrilaz song's came on and I honestly just danced down the hallway, no shame! Though the floor was dead Charles was here! So we ate at least three meals together so that was fun!
A Wallaby: Its kinds like a t-rex and a kangaroo got together and had an absolutely adorable baby!!!

Adorable otters who kept posing for us! 
My new best friend!!! Do you see that smile! What a cool kid!

 I know this post is suppose to be about fall break but yesterday my friends from Carry and I went to the zoo!!! It was awesome. Those were some pictures to make you jealous.

Fall Break #5 & #6

Like every other college student I could not wait to go home for fall break.  Getting home though was hard for me.  I had a ride don’t get me wrong, but having to listen to country song trivia for four hours straight about killed me.  Once home, I immediately called up my best friend Michelle and we spent the rest of the night hanging out like old times.  That night we went and saw Pitch Perfect.  I had no idea what this movie was going to be about, but I am glad I went.  Fat Amy had me clutching my stomach from laughing to hard and the quite girl, whose name escapes me, cracked me up like no other.  The next day, I woke up and for the first time in a long time I was able to eat breakfast.  After that I went to Evansville with my mom and visited a friend before going shopping for a winter coat and new shoes.  Once back in my time zone, I left again and went Glow Bowling.  I am a terrible bowler and usually cannot get above sixty.  That night though, by some miracle, I bowled a 120.  I have never before bowled that many strikes before in my life and I know I won’t be able to do it again.  Once we finished our two games, we rushed to Family Video before they closed to rent a scary movie.  We ended up renting The Woman in Black upon the request of the manager for us to hurry up because they closed in two minutes.  Going back to my place to watch the movie, we prepared to get scared out of our wits.  Unfortunately with all the rewinding we had to do to catch the ghostly figure in the background and Shelby’s uncalled for laughter throughout the movie, the movie did not have the desired effect on us.  On Monday I worked on my homework and went to my eye doctor appointment.  On Tuesday I packed up my belongings that I brought home and waited for my ride back to campus.