Sunday, December 2, 2012

Blog #10

Yay last one! So it turns out that my phone is a lost cause. I have spent the last three hours on the phone with different people in the tech department of apple. Because I have apple-care, apples insurance, I only have to pay $50 bucks rather than the $500 or so that it would be to get a brand new one. The downside is I paid $100 dollars for apple care and now $50 dollars for a new phone. Oh well I guess that's what i get for being a klutz. So needless to say once I left Scotty's my night was not super amazing considering the fact that I had to then tell my father what happened and then spend three hours mostly on hold while being transferred to different departments.
On a happier note this week has been pretty amazing especially when I got to see the Life of Pi on Saturday.  For those of you who don't know the story begins in India. India is one of the many places I want to visit because it is so beautiful and it has such an amazing culture. From everyone I have ever talked to I have heard that it is the biggest culture shock they have ever had non the less I am still drawn to India, i t intrigues me. My parents however are not too keen on this idea of mine. India is notorious for having constant power outages as well as food shortages. They are still in somewhat of a transition stage some of India longs to become westernized while the rest of India is adamant about sticking to the old traditions. Oh gosh now I am just rambling, according to my mother I could talk about India for hours on end if you get me talking about it.

Blog #10

       This shall be my final blog. It was good semester with all of you guys. I luckily don’t have very many finals, so this semester a good way to ease into college life. It’s just going to get tougher from here on out. Although if it didn’t, then what would be the point? Personally, I need something at least a little bit challenging to keep my interest. I also hope to find more fun experiences and meet new people in the next semester. With that said, I’m more focused on Christmas over next semester at the moment.
I have to say that Christmas is my favorite holiday, and it’s not just because of the presents. All of the decorations, the feeling, and the snow (hopefully) are good parts of it as well. I already have my Christmas stations on Pandora set and playing. The music really brings about that “Christmas spirit.” It’s not the best, but I have already decorated my room. Christmas dinner is probably the best I eat all year. It’s even better than Thanksgiving in my opinion, but I’ll have to wait until break for it. With that said, I wish you all the best of luck on your finals. Keep in touch.

Blog #10

Wow, this semester flew right by us.  Doesn't like we have been in college for four months.  Now only five and half more years to go. lol   Before I break out the unlimited Halo 4 and chocolate candy, I have to make it through dead week and finals week.  I've heard some very scary things about both.  I'm trying to stay positive and drink Starbucks to make it through, but I feel that I may need another outlet.  Thank God I only have two finals that will be over the last Wednesday, so at least I get to go home a little earlier.  I really need to study for these last two exams.  The university puts so much emphasis on finals and how they can make or break you.  I really need to make me.  I will take finals very serious, but I refuse to let them drive me crazy.

Blog #10

I got back from the Learning Community event at Scotty's Brewhouse not to long ago and I had a blast! I was introduced to a Bison burger which is like a hamburger but bison meat instead of cattle meat. I was pretty skeptical at first, but with my first bite it was heaven. Bison>cattle. HANDS DOWN. The friends I have made this year in my learning community are some of my best. I always have a hilarious time when I'm with them because we all have a great sense of humor. I really hope the friendships with these great people last throughout the rest of my life.